Dr. Andrea Love has been quoted in:

Expert delves into the complexities of HPAI and milk consumption
Andrea Love Andrea Love

Expert delves into the complexities of HPAI and milk consumption

After detection, the news rapidly flooded with information, bombarding the public with concerns about HPAI’s H5N1 variant, especially as virus particles were found in one out of five milk samples tested by the Food and Drug Administration. The announcements caused people to question, “Is milk safe to drink?” The answer is consistently and overwhelmingly, “Yes if it’s pasteurized” — meaning the milk has been heat treated to sterilize it.

We asked biomedical scientist and founder of Immunologic, Dr. Andrea Love, to clear up some of the concerns and confusion swirling around HPAI, dairies, and beef. Along with a passion for helping the public and healthcare professionals understand scientific topics, Love is a subject-matter expert in infectious disease and immunology, and she was recently featured on the Food Bullying Podcast thanks to her passion for translating complex topics for the public.

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Is It Rude to Lie About Being Sick? And 21 Other Illness Etiquette Questions
Andrea Love Andrea Love

Is It Rude to Lie About Being Sick? And 21 Other Illness Etiquette Questions

And since there's no Miss Manners column designed to help you parse this updated landscape of acceptable behavior, we attempted to spell out what's considered polite or rude when it comes to sick season in 2024.

To come up with these points of decorum, we asked coworkers to weigh in on real-life scenarios. We also ran the results of our mini-survey by POPSUGAR advisory board member Andrea C. Love, PhD, and immunologist and microbiologist, the founder of ImmunoLogic, who helped flag anything that clashed with the actual best practices of hygiene and safety.

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